
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wholistic Pet's Guardians Mission and Pledge

Welcome to Wholistic Pet's Guardian

We want to acknowledge you for having an open mind and for looking into alternative and holistic treatment for your beloved furry family member. Thank you for taking that giant step into a new, and sometimes not to easy to understand but highly effective, time honored treatment modality. Every animal is an individual, and we treat each of them that way!

Our Mission

1. To provide compassionate, loving and quality care for all pets and their owners.
2. To empower and value you, the owner, and your input into your pet’s health.
3. To provide holistic/alternative care for companion animals in Singapore.
4. To educate the public on the miraculous benefits of Holistic care.
5. To educate the public on the pros and cons of vaccines and advise on rational use of vaccines.
6. To provide ongoing educational opportunities for the public through seminars and workshops.

Our Pledge

If you decide to work with us, our pledge is to do our very best to help you and your companion animal. Our goal is always to strive for a complete cure of the problem, regardless of the diagnosis. Of course, some patients are very aged or have been ill for a long time and a cure may not be possible. In those cases we have found alternative treatments to be very useful in improving the quality of life and in many cases extending the life span.

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