
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

About Wholistic Pet’s Guardians

Wholistic Pet's Guardians is based in Singapore and our aim is to provide pet owners/lovers with a wide range of natural products and knowledge for their pets. As more and more people realise that conventional medicines can have serious side effects they are turning to a more natural approach to healthcare both for themselves and their animals. In fact the holistic approach to health is a rapidly expanding field.

I have been an animal lover all my life as far as i can remember, I started out as a Pet Groomer and 8 years ago started out to learn more about alternative treatments for pets. I've had dogs all my life - I have a Shih Tzu and 2 Chihuahuas now. I'm also a Naturopath Pet Practitioner, and also do therapies for animals.

I now try to look after my animals in as natural a way as possible and use Homeopathy Remedies , Herbal Remedies, Chinese Herbs, Flower Remedies, Acupressure and Kinesiology.

Why I created Wholistic Pet's Guardians & what I hope you get from them? Honestly, I’m not sure. I mean, I really have done a great deal of research and get myself certified on health topics especially alternative health. So in one sense, I’m writing about what I know about & am passionate about helping your pets!

The products I recommend are all as natural as possible, and they don't contain chemical preservatives. Some companies advertise their products as “natural” when they are anything but, so it pays to do your homework. I believe a lot of health problems can be avoided by making sure we don’t use harmful chemicals and as our pet's guardians it is our responsibility find out exactly what we are putting in and on our pets.

Why not help your animals regain the natural balance necessary for good health!

I hope you enjoy browsing through my blog to gain more knowledge on how you can help your pet to live better and healthier. You are also welcome any comments that are good or bad which may help us improve our service to you. If you are looking for a certain product but don't see it on the website feel free to contact us as we may be able to obtain it for you.

Best Regards,
Bryan Chow, Pet Naturopathy Practitioner and Therapist

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