
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

About Natural Medicines

What if my pet is taking drugs?

This is one of the many questions that most of the pet owners often ask me.

If your pet is on antibiotics or steroids to curb skin inflammation problems, you can still start giving them the natural healing skin and detox remedies now.

In other instances when taking drugs, natural medicines can be given at the same time, which is highly recommended for healing rather than maintaining a condition with conventional medicines. Of course veterinarian checkups and monitoring the development of your pet’s conditions is important, as well as gradually reducing/stopping drugs.

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy (home-ee-AH-puh-thee) is the branch of medicine which is based on the principle that disease can be cured by strengthening the body’s natural defense mechanism. This is in contrast to traditional (allopathic) medicine which uses drugs to suppress symptoms (which are the visible result of the body’s attempt to heal itself).

Similia Similibus Curentur — "Like Cures Like." Any substance which can produce a totality of symptoms in a healthy human being can cure that totality of symptoms in a sick human being.

Unlike drugs, homeopathic remedies don't directly attack the disease or condition. Instead, these substances trigger the body's own self regulation and self healing functions. They stimulate the body to cure itself.

The goal of homeopathic treatment is to achieve the highest possible level of health.Homeopathy does have important limitations however. Because it relies on the natural healing abilities of the body, advanced organ pathology such as cancer or crippling arthritis, which involve changes in the structure of the body, can rarely be fully reversed. The animals who suffer from such conditions will often however be helped to become stronger and more comfortable and have a better quality of life. In addition, surgical intervention is still required when appropriate (such as for traumatic diseases).

What are Traditional Chinese Medicines?

Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM) is probably the oldest medicine for people, and by extension, for animals. I will begin by stating that you should not attempt herbal healing for your pet unless you have a good understanding of what makes your pet in poor health. And most important is to have a good understanding of the healing herbs. Don't guess.....check with your veterinarian what is wrong with your pet first!

It is unwise to presume that herbs alone are used to treat ill-health in our pets. Most holistic veterinarians/practitioners recommend nutritional support in addition to conventional therapy if the problem is acute, severe or life threatening. This integrated approach is designed to give the animal patient the greatest amount of comfort combined with the gentlest and most supportive treatments.

Herbs are naturally designed to work with body functions, not against them. For instance, antibiotics essentially bypass (and often destroy) the body’s natural immune system while achieving their goals through microscopic assassination. Echinacea on the other hand, stimulates natural auto-immune responses while leaving the immune system intact. The natural immune system then works more efficiently at what it is designed to do… it enables the body to heal itself through complex mechanisms that modern science has barely begun to understand.

Rather than just treating the signs or expression of a disease, using the TCM system as a whole enables a practitioner to identify and treat the underlying causes of disease.

TCM Herbs: -

a) Can serve as tonics and builders that strengthen organs, glands and tissues in specific parts of the body, like strengthening the heart, or aiding digestion;

b) Assist in the healing process by helping the body to eliminate toxins, thus helping to take care of the problem the symptoms are expressing, for example, they may stimulate physiological processes like the emptying of the bowels or bladder or cleansing of the liver.

Many herbs contribute their own rich sources of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Unlike many high-potency vitamin supplements that have the potential to burden the body with excess nutrients, herbs do not place added burden upon the liver, kidneys and digestive system. Instead, herbs provide their nutritional values in food-like form that the body can freely digest and utilize.

To end: -

In holistic medicine, “good health” is viewed as “the maintenance of proper balance” within a complex, finely tuned, intricately related unification of all which comprises a living body.

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