
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Animals' Apawthecary Detox Blend

A balanced herbal tonic formula that gently assists the body in correcting imbalances that may be related to liver dysfunction or poor waste elimination. It can be used over an extended period of time to assist metabolic functions of the body during acute or chronic cases of allergy or other systemic imbalances related to liver dysfunction or excess toxicity. This herbal blend was originally formulated for animals with chronic skin disorders.

Detox Blend contains the following:
  • Burdock root: Blood cleansing, liver stimulating, nutritive.
  • Dandelion: Liver conditions and anti-rheumatic.
  • Milk Thistle: Protects liver from toxins by preventing free radical damage. Stimulates the production of new liver cells.
  • Red Clover: Helps fight bacterial infections and purifies the blood.
  • Alfalfa: Alkalizes and detoxifies the blood. Promotes pituitary function. Anti-inflammatory.
  • Licorice Root: Liver tonic, adrenal agent, fights inflammation, viral and bacterial infection.
  • Other ingredients: Vegetable glycerin USP, distilled water, less than 6 per cent grain alcohol by volume.

Duration of Use: 5 days on, 2 days off (to monitor results). If your animal's condition worsens or shows no improvements, please consult your veterinarian.

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