
Friday, September 18, 2009

How can Probiotics help my pet?

Many holistic veterinarians / practitioners believe that imbalances in intestinal bacteria are a major reason in many of the chronic disorders that we see in our pets today. Our own experience with cats and dogs, and even their people, shows us this is very true!

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria, the “good” or “friendly” bacteria that inhabit the entire digestive tract and play an important role in digestion, nutrient assimilation and immune system function.

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria and yeast, and are used to restore the normal balance of microflora (bacteria) in the gastrointestinal tract. In other words, probiotics are the "good, friendly bacteria" that are used to combat the "bad, harmful bacteria" that have grown out of proportion due to numerous reasons.

What are some of the roles probiotics play in the body?

1) Produce natural antibiotics, which can fight harmful bacteria.
2) Regulate and increase hormone levels.
3) Manufacture B group vitamins, biotin and folic acid.
4) Stimulate the immune system.
5) Reduce food intolerance.
6) Increase energy levels.
7) Inhibit the growth of some yeast.
8) Absorb nutrients, antioxidants and iron from food that is eaten.
9) Reduce inflammation.
10) Increase digestibility of food.

Several things can destroy the intestinal bacterial balance in a pet’s gut. The conventional treatment of infection is to use antibiotics / steroids / NSAIDs , which are like nuclear bombs to bacteria - they kill both good and bad indiscriminately. Moreover, stress, poor diet, artificial ingredients, acute and chronic diarrhea, pollutants, environmental changes, and prescription drugs can also reduce the levels of beneficial bacteria.

An imbalance between friendly and unfriendly bacteria in the pet’s body plays a role in many of the chronic disorders we see in our pets today.

Symptoms can include:-

1) bad breath,
2) bloating,
3) diarrhea,
4) constipation,
5) vomiting,
6) excessive gas,
7) foul smelling stool,
8) allergies,
9) autoimmune disease,
10) skin conditions,
11) blood clotting problems,
12) low bone density,
13) asthma,
14) migraines,
15) anxiety,
16) depression,
17) urinary incontinence,
18) lowered blood pressure,
19) abnormal gait,
20) tingling of nerves,
21) lowered uric acid levels,
22) lowered hydrochloric acid levels,
23) irritable bowel syndrome,
24) celiac disease,
25) dairy intolerance,
26) vaginal infection,
27) yeast infection,
28) bladder infection and
29) sinus infections.

Pets with large amounts of beneficial bacteria are better prepared to fight the growth of unhealthy organisms. So, if pets are to maintain a healthy body, they need large quantities of friendly bacteria. Supplement a well-balanced diet with a high quality probiotic and give your pet the health that he most certainly deserves.

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