
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My 1st time blogging !!

Well, I must say for the first time in my life I am blogging about my daily life with dogs and cats. Have been grooming pets for so many years and went into holistic treatment few years ago, this is really a major change in my life.

Pet Holistic Treatment is growing very slowly in Singapore. I am hoping more owners will come and accept this form of treatment for their pets. Trying very hard to convey the message out daily to every owners who walk into my salon/clinic.

Everyday, I am faced with owners not sure what to do with their pets. A lot of dogs who comes to me either through recommendations from friends or who happens to walk pass my shop, to a certain extend they are shocked to hear that there are holistic treatments for pets. Out of 10 ppl, I would say there are 9 who hear it for the first time.

When I does my grooming, usually will see some skin problems in the dogs and cats. Most of the time, I will ask the pet owner what happens to their pet or has they visit the conventional veterinarians for any help. Most say yes but stopped going because it doesn't seems to help the poor fellow at all. Some didn't even know that their pet have problems.

When I tried explaining about their pet's conditions, most of them will listen. Some of them will get what I advise them. Some of them will say I am just trying to earn their money. Some of them will say they will bring their pet to the vet but never. Some say premium products are just so expensive and they don't have the money to spend on all these for their pets.

Sometimes I wonder why they keep a pet. Maybe there really is a different between a "pet lover" and a "pet owner"!

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