
Monday, February 22, 2010

Holistic Pet Care Workshop

A Workshop in alternative approaches for your animal’s well-being.

The Holistic Care Introduction workshop is designed to introduce the beliefs and the practices of holism as it applies to our animal companions. This workshop will be a concentration of the basic information necessary for a firm foundation in holistic care and well-being of your animal and to assist a new beginning for you and your animal companions on the path to true health.

This workshop will attempt to cover most of the key points of the following curriculum.

  • Begin to learn the best ways for your animals to become healthy – and to stay healthy.
  • Increase your awareness of how diet, exercise, and stress play a significant role in your animal’s health.
  • Become informed. Recognize unnecessary drugs, and vaccinations.
  • Learn how to enhance your relationship with your best friend.

3 Hour Holistic Animal Care Introduction Workshops - This is an ideal workshop for pet owners that are interested in learning about holistic animal care.

Workshop will be held on 14 March 2010, 4pm.
The 3 hour workshop is $30.00 and due prior to the workshop.

Interested pet owners, please send an email to or call / msg us at 91003489.

Comments :

Marjorie said...

These workshops will assist people to know more about the holistic pet care. Holistic pet care endeavors to carry large number of healing fundamentals for a massive amount of impending problems.

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