
Saturday, October 10, 2009

Poisonous Plants

The following plants are toxic to animals and should not be planted or grown near them. Remember, cats and dogs both love to chew on and often ingest plants, but some types can kill them!

  1. Aloe
  2. Amaryllis
  3. Andromeda Japonica
  4. Asian Lily (Liliaceae)
  5. Asparagus Fern
  6. Australian Nut
  7. Autumn Crocus
  8. Avocado
  9. Azalea
  10. Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana)
  11. Bird of Paradise
  12. American Bittersweet
  13. European Bittersweet
  14. Branching Ivy
  15. Buckeye
  16. Buddist Pine
  17. Caladium
  18. Calla Lily
  19. Castor Bean
  20. Charming Diffenbachia
  21. Chinaberry Tree
  22. Chinese Evergreen
  23. Christmas Rose
  24. Clematis
  25. Cordatum
  26. Corn (or Cornstalk) Plant
  27. Cutleaf Philodendron
  28. Cycads
  29. Cyclamen
  30. Daffodil
  31. Day Lily
  32. Devil's Ivy
  33. Dumb Cane
  34. Deadly Nightshade
  35. Easter Lily
  36. Elephant Ears
  37. Emerald Feather or Fern
  38. English Ivy
  39. Fiddle-Leaf Philodendron
  40. Flamingo Plant
  41. Florida Beauty
  42. Foxglove
  43. Fruit Salad Plant
  44. Glacier Ivy
  45. Gladiolas
  46. Glory Lily
  47. Gold Dieffenbachia
  48. Gold Dust Dracaena
  49. Golden Pothos
  50. Green Gold Nephthysis
  51. Hahn's self branching English Ivy
  52. Heartleaf Philodendron
  53. Heavenly Bamboo
  54. Holly
  55. Horsehead Philodendron
  56. Hurricane Plant
  57. Hyacinth
  58. Hydrangea
  59. Iris
  60. Japanese Show Lily
  61. Japanese Yew
  62. Jerusalem Cherry
  63. Kalanchoe
  64. Lace Fern
  65. Lacy Tree
  66. Lily of the Valley
  67. Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana)
  68. Macadamia Nut
  69. Madagascar Dragon Tree
  70. Marble Queen
  71. Marijuana
  72. Mauna Loa Peace Lily
  73. Mexican Breadfruit
  74. Mistletoe "American"
  75. Morning Glory
  76. Mother-in-Law
  77. Narcissus
  78. Needlepoint Ivy
  79. Nephthytis
  80. Nightshade
  81. Oleander
  82. Onion
  83. Orange Day Lily
  84. Panda
  85. Peace Lily
  86. Philodendron Pertusum
  87. Plumosa Fern
  88. Precatory Bean
  89. Queensland Nut
  90. Red Emerald
  91. Red Lily
  92. Red-Margined Dracaena
  93. Red Princess
  94. Rhododendron
  95. Ribbon Plant (Dracaena sanderiana)
  96. Rubrum Lily
  97. Saddle Leaf Philodendron
  98. Sago Palm
  99. Satin Pothos
  100. Schefflera
  101. Spotted Dumb Cane
  102. Stargazer Lily
  103. Striped Dracaena
  104. Sweetheart Ivy
  105. Swiss Cheese Plant
  106. Taro Vine
  107. Tiger Lily
  108. Tomato Plant
  109. Tree Philodendron
  110. Tropic Snow Dumbcane
  111. Tulip
  112. Variable Dieffenbachia
  113. Variegated Philodendron
  114. Warneckei Dracaena
  115. Wood Lily
  116. Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
  117. Yew

Just what the hell is Yeast Infection (Candida Albicans) ?

A yeast infection is caused by a yeast called Candida Albicans. Yeast is a normal part of the digestive tract. Like all yeasts, it thrives on sugars and carbohydrates, which are present in most commercial pet foods.

In healthy dogs, there are beneficial bacteria (such as Lactobacillus acidophilus) that metabolize sugars, thus keeping candida in check by disrupting its food supply. If the system is compromised in some way in the dog's body, it will provide a sugar-rich environment for candida to blossom.

Once there is an excess of candida in the dog's body, it will create a vicious cycle - candida cells produce toxic chemicals that kill beneficial bacteria and damage the body. In addition, waste products produced by candida are toxic chemicals that can slow the brain, causing fatigue and upsetting the immune system.

Once your dog is diagnosed with yeast, it is typically associated with very allergic pets. You may have tried rounds of antibiotics as well as topical creams and yet your dog still keeps itching and getting infections. Pets with yeast infections need to be healed from the inside out.

The end result? A systemic yeast infection in the dog.

If no action is not taken to kill off the single-celled candida, it can convert into a multi-celled fungal form. These cells will eventually penetrate the intestinal wall, diminishing the ability of the intestines to absorb vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fatty acids, leading to nutritional deficiencies and a GI problem called "leaky gut syndrome", whereby bacteria, toxins, and undigested food "leak" through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream, causing chronic low-grade infections, inflammation, and autoimmune responses in the form of various kinds of allergies, such as food, environmental, or seasonal allergies.

A common practice is to treat with antibiotics, which does kill some of the candida, but also destroys the beneficial bacteria necessary for proper digestion and body function. Moreover, after the antibiotic treatment is stopped, the overgrowth resumes, causing a vicious cycle that is difficult to reverse.

There are many possibilities that can result in an over-abundance of candida albicans. The most common causes are listed below:

  1. Improper Diet (inadequate protein, too many carbohydrates, no probiotics, digestive enzymes, dietary enzymes, unusable minerals)
  2. Use of Certain Medication (overuse of antibiotics, over vaccinations, medications, tick preparations, heartworm medications)
  3. Physical Health Problems (thyroid problems, hormone stress, inbreeding, illness which compromises the immune system, )
  4. Mental Health Problems (stress, anxiousness, high strung hyperactive dogs, death/loss, change in environment or weather related, change in home or home environment, boarding, sensitivity to stimulus)

Symptoms –

These conditions can be accompanied by a secondary infection, which is what gets treated. On the outside, dog yeast infections look very much like skin irritations and allergies, with symptoms such as:

  • itchy skin resulting in excessive licking, scratching, and biting
  • redness or skin rashes, especially on the feet, face, tummy, underarm, or genital areas
  • recurring hot spots
  • dry and flaky skin, sometimes the skin may turn black or discolored
  • hives
  • bad odor
  • eczema
  • itching eyes
  • hair loss
  • red, irritated eyes
  • excessive tearing
  • coughing
  • bouts of asthma attacks
  • frequent sneezing
  • abnormal nasal discharge

Dog yeast infections may also manifest themselves as:

  • ear infections
  • urinary tract infections
  • bladder infections
  • food allergies
  • GI problems, such as bloating and gas, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, etc.
  • bad breath
  • anal sac problems
  • joint pain
  • malnutrition due to inability to absorb sufficient nutrients
  • fatigue and lethargy

With so many symptoms impersonate so many different dog diseases, you can imagine that sometimes even veterinarians may misdiagnose a case of dog yeast infection as something else - very often, the secondary disease caused by the yeast infection (e.g. urinary infection) will be diagnosed, but the root cause (i.e. the yeast infection) will not. As such, localized treatment is given to cure the secondary disease (in this case, urinary infection) without addressing the underlying root cause.

If your dog unfortunately suffers from recurring infections (be it skin, ear, or others) or has allergies (skin or food) that do not seem to go away, dog candida may be the culprit.

Can we try to return the health back to your dog? The answer is YES - we can fix or reverse this mess, it takes time, patience and you changing some of the feeding practice with your pet. Prevention is the cure.

Major symptoms of a yeast infection surface in the shape of skin rashes, itching, redness, pimples and sometimes greasiness. A veterinarian will use a microscope, take a culture of skin scrapings or conduct a smear test to confirm the diagnosis. Itching induced by a yeast infection further leads to skin damage. If not attended to in time, this may lead to hair loss and further complications that may become difficult to handle.

Usually, a yeast infection is caused by some medical condition that has rendered the immune system incapable of functioning properly. Treatment with antibiotics, steroids, and other conventional drugs may bring temporary relief, but the patient soon returns with another flare-up, and symptoms progress. Topical treatments are not very effective as the dog is prone to lick them off. But many antifungal drugs have potentially serious side effects and they produce only temporary results. As soon as the prescription ends, surviving candida cells multiply, re-colonize, and activate another series of symptoms.

Shampoos containing antifungal agents in the form of a nitrate can help in treatment but only to a certain extent. Always bathe with a cleansing shampoo first. Cleansing shampoo is able to help clean out the body clean very effectively. Thereafter use a natural shampoo to help with the skin.

A natural approach to health is always better than choosing medication. Effective ways of preventing yeast infection include a healthy, balanced and nutritional diet, avoiding commercial dog foods, and keeping the dog dry whenever he gets wet.

Removing carbohydrates is the first step; the second step involves destroying the candida organism. This can be done by adding coconut oil to your dog’s food. For best results, begin with a small amount and gradually increase to the optimum dose. Dogs with yeast infection may need more, especially in the early stages of treatment. It is important to provide plenty of drinking water during this time to help flush out the toxins.

About two weeks after this treatment is started, it is very important to start rebuilding the beneficial stomach bacteria. Beneficial bacteria form a first line of defense against pathogens. Probiotics are popular treatments for Candida infections, but proper timing is important.

Yeast infection can be a very frustrating disease that takes a lot of commitment on your part. Following our program is not easy for many, however, when the yeast is under control, owners report considerable improvement and a new positive lifestyle for their dog.

*A consultation is highly recommended before any preventative treatment is started.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Until we meet again, my Baby Girl!

Zhuzhu, you were with 2 other owners before you came to me. You came to me in the First Week of November 2007 because your previous owner couldn’t have you anymore.

I didn’t even know when you were born. I only know you were around 6 years old.

You came to me shaven down because your previous owner says you were dirty and you need to nurse your babies. You were given away because they didn’t want to continue using you as their breeding bitch anymore.

In my house, beside me there are only my other 2 dogs, Boyboy (Short-coated Chihuahua) and Sugar (Long-haired Chihuahua). Sugar came to me one month earlier than you. I have no idea that I will take you in too as part of my family and take good care of you till you leave me in my arms. I have no regrets having you around.

You came to me almost blind.

You came into my life when your health was not good. I am so sorry you were sick, but happy that you didn’t suffer more that you did.

I don't want to remember your ordeal of suffering so I won't describe your suffering while you were still alive with me. I want to remember all your funny antics and the way you showed me that you loved Boyboy, Sugar and Me.

Nothing can compare to the unconditional love and service that you have given me although its only a short period of 2 year plus.

You are always wagging your tail no matter what’s going on around you.

You always like to face the wall. Maybe you think there is someone there.

You had the softest hair I ever felt.

You have the sweetest face I ever see.

You hardly bark and are always lying around sleeping or follows everywhere I go in the house. It is just the house seems so strange without you.

When I left for work, I will bring you along. You will always sit there quietly and patiently waiting for me and wagging tails at my customers. I am very sure you have heard how many HUMANS said you are beautiful and lovely.

You hate bathing time. But when I have to bathe you, you never move around. You doesn't move around even I blow-dry your body. You don't move around when I brush your hair or when I want to groom you.

You are always the sweetest girl, happy to have anyone hold you, happy to be petted and paid attention. It was your favorite thing.

When it’s time for you to have your meals, you will always follow me around the kitchen to see what I am cooking for you. You just know that I am cooking for you.

You hate it when it’s raining and will always hides in a corner. When thunder strike, you will always walk around and squeeze to anywhere you can squeeze.

You hate it when I have to feed you medications. But you still cooperate with me and you took down each and every herbal medication that I give you.

You are always playing with Sugar. Running around the house with her. Chasing after one another. Always banging into things. You were so happy.

I know you have to go. I know. But I just couldn’t bear to let go of you. Which is why I keep trying and trying to extend your life staying with me. But I just couldn’t fight with the God of Death. Although over the years, many vets and friends told me to let you go, but I just keep hanging on. I have brought you back from going to the rainbow bridge so many times. I know it’s very tiring but seeing you gaining back your health each time you falls down, makes me so happy and relax.

From 26 September 2009 to 28 September 2009, you were so sick that you didn’t want to move and eat. I kept asking you if you would like to be with me longer, and if you want, walk for me and eat a bit.

YOU DID!!!! Each time I ask you, YOU DID!!!

You went to pee. You ate a bit. I know you totally have no more strength. I know. You couldn’t stand for long. I know you did it just for me and makes me smile.

I hugged you to sleep. On 29 September 2009, you left me on my arms. You looked at me. Boyboy and Sugar by your side. They know you have left them. They sat quietly and staring at you.

Zhuzhu, you will be in my heart forever. Thank you for being such a wonderful and faithful companion to me for almost 3 years. I love you more than I ever thought was possible to love a friend, and I will miss you every day. You are more than a friend to me. You are like my human daughter that it’s my responsibility to take care of you regardless of you being healthy or not. I’ll remember how you love me. I’ll remember how much joy you have given me.

I know you are not in heaven but waiting for me, for Boyboy and Sugar at the Rainbow Bridge. I know you saw my few other dogs who have passed on. I know you are playing with Baby (Yorkshire Terrier), Takky (Yorkshire Terrier) and Princess (Chihuahua).

It comforts me to know you are out of pain now and basking in the warm sun whenever you want to and playing happily.

I love you, my girl.

Thanks for being a part of our lives, little girl.

I will see you later.

Services provided

  • Acupressure
  • Chinese & Western Herbs
  • Holistic Pet Consult and Advice
  • Homeopathy
  • House Call Consults*
  • Nutritional Diet
  • Pet Grooming Services
  • Preventive and Comfort Care

Use of alternative medicines

Holistic veterinary and practitioner work aims to make your pet as healthy as he or she can be and gradually build up their body to the best that it can be.
The holistic approach treats the whole animal, ignites the body's internal healing force and stimulates the body's natural abilities to heal itself.



Copyright © 2009 by Wholistic Pets Guardians